Changing lives with perspective

I'm Kylee Andersen. I am a human helping other humans on their journey. Mother to five, wife, member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and a Certified Life Coach.

Life is hard. The way we think about the things that happen to us can either make us or break us. If you are willing, I'd love to help you find the joy in your journey. 

Schedule a free session by emailing

What’s a life coach?


In 9th grade I joined the track team. On the first day the coach told me to run and come back. The first thing I was told is I was expending too much energy going vertical instead of forward. WHAT??  I was pushing off the ground in my stride, this moment was pushing me upward. If I could figure out a way to use the momentum from the ground to push me more forward instead of up– I would go faster. There was nothing “wrong” with how I was running. It was effective and got the job done, maybe a bit slower. But there was something I could do to make it better.


Life coaching is similar. There is nothing “wrong” with you. What you are doing and how you are living are working –for the most part. But what if there was another way? An outside perspective can help efficiency, accomplishing goals or unknown methods to deal with difficulties.


It’s your life. You can live it however you choose. If something is holding you back, let’s figure it out together. Email me to schedule a free session